Virtual + Distance Work
““When practicing mindfulness, even directed toward something as ordinary as breathing, we enhance the part of the mind that is aware of the way things are while diminishing the part that is stressed because things are not the way we want them to be.””
Virtual + Distance Work
Resourcing & Settling Sessions
Drawing upon all of my studies and tools these sessions are aimed to support people in stress management, embodiment, settling, grounding, and resourcing. Sessions begin with a guided settling practice that includes gentle breath work and awareness exercises that support you in deepening into a state of rest. Like in all bodywork and coaching, these sessions are very personalized and they unfold organically and evolve in response to your nervous system. These sessions are particularly helpful for those who have high levels of daily stress (almost all of us) or a history of trauma where touch may be too overwhelming at this time. The aim of these sessions is to support you to be with whatever your condition is and not be overwhelmed by it - to support you in developing greater resilience and flow. Together we re-orient to ever present health and tap into a sense of life force.
*During this time of global disruption due to COVID-19 many people have found these sessions to be very valuable in place of regular bodywork sessions.